Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Scooter Ride Fun


Yesterday, me and Poppy went for a scooter ride.   My mom won that scooter at a shopping store drawing when she was in 6th grade.   That was 25 years ago!     WHOA!!!!    Good Grief!   :)    When she was in junior high, she got to ride that scooter all over the place!   She rode back roads and even on main roads, but it was okay then to do things like that because rules were different than they are now.

I like the scooter because if you are very hot you can feel the air on your face. When we were riding we ran into two dogs. The first one was fat and slow and the second one was fast and barky. I told Poppy to "Go, go, go!" and he said, "Hold on" and he cranked it up and we went riding. When we got back at Winky's house mommy asked "What took you so long?".    I told her about how we went around the circle but first we went down this road looking for goats but we couldn't find them so it took us longer.

I can't wait until sometime soon when we can go back again for a little more scooter riding fun!